Calories in a Boiled Egg ~ exerciseswork

Monday, 27 October 2014

Calories in a Boiled Egg

Calories in a Boiled Egg
Calories in a Boiled Egg1

Calories in a boiled egg a convenient, tasty and healthy snack can be hard to find. Quality snacks are important when dieting, training or just following healthy eating habits.

Fortunately, with a little preparation, you can take advantage of one of the most complete food sources known to man-eggs.

Calories in a boiled egg is a great way to have a quality protein snack that is transportable and ready to eat in seconds. There are a variety of ways to hard boil an egg. Not all of them are equal.

Calories in aboiled egg With a little help and lots of experimenting, I have found a great way to hard boil an egg. But first, we will briefly go over a few nutritional points about eggs. The conventional wisdom has seen many shifts regarding the healthiness of eggs over the past decades.

There was a time when eggs got a really bad rap. However,calories in a boiled egg in recent years research has shown that eggs aren't nearly as bad as they were once made out to be.

In fact, according to new research from the US Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service,calories in a boiled egg eggs are lower in cholesterol than previously thought. The review of the data showed the average amount of cholesterol in one large egg is 185 mg. That is 14% less than previously recorded. Improvements in hen feed have been cited as a factor for the drop in cholesterol.

The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend calories in a boiled egg consuming less than 300mg a day of cholesterol. This means you can easily consume an egg a day and meet the guidelines.

This is especially true if you strive to cut out other less beneficial foods containing high amounts of cholesterol and calories in a boiled egg.

Eggs are easily digestible and they are a very balanced food. Except for vitamin C, eggs contain all the vitamins, protein and minerals essential for good health. An average large egg in America today contains about 5 grams of fat (in the yolk),calories in a boiled egg 185 mg of cholesterol and 70 calories.

Hard Boiled Egg Perfection

The method I use to hard boil an egg comes from years of practice and following the advice of both Julia Child and the Georgia Egg Council. Do note that peeling your hard boiled eggs will shorten their refrigerated life to 2-3 days.

Calories in a boiled egg Leaving your hard boiled eggs unpeeled gives you 6-7 days of refrigerated shelf life. Eggs that are not hard boiled typically last 2 to 3 weeks in the refrigerator. Hard boiling them removes the natural protective coating of the egg thereby shorting its shelf life.

The Hard Boiled Egg Procedure

Optional, but a good idea - prick the large end of each egg you will hard boil with a small pin. Stick the pin in at least ¼ inch. (There is an air bubble at the large end an egg; this lets the air escape).

The Water - No matter how many eggs you are boiling,calories in a boiled egg the water should cover the eggs by 1 inch. (Boiling more than 2 dozen at a time is not recommended).

Using a tall pan is recommended.

Cooking - Lay the eggs in your pan and cover with cold water (water should be 1 inch above eggs). Put heat on high and bring to a boil (no lid on pan). Remove pan from heat immediately when the water boils.calories in a boiled egg Cover the pan and let sit for 15 to 17 minutes (17 works best for me). Set a timer!

When time is up,caloriesinaboiledegg put the eggs into a bowl of ice and water. Chill for 2 minutes. At the same time, bring your cooking water to a boil again.

After 2 minutes, and when your water is boiling, transfer the eggs to the boiling water (go for about 6 eggs at a time if you're doing a large batch).Calories in a boiled egg bring water back to boil. Boil for 10 seconds. Remove eggs and place in ice water again.

Leave eggs in ice water for 15 to 20 minutes (I go on the higher side). This chilling process prevents the yolk from getting black on the outside. This is great to know calories in a boiled egg if you're having a party and want perfect looking hard boiled eggs. It also makes the eggs easier to peel.

Once time is up, you can choose to peel your eggs.Calories in a boiled egg If you do peel them, keep them in an uncovered bowl of water in the refrigerator. They should last 2 to 3 days.

If you do not peel your eggs immediately, they should last 6 to 7 days in the refrigerator.

Make sure to check the freshness of your hard boiled eggs if you do not consume them immediately.

Also make sure that they are cooked all the way through as salmonella does occur in calories in a boiled egg (it is only present in about 0.01% of eggs and can be safely cooked away).

Final tips - This method of hard boiling an egg takes a bit more time and attention than other methods,calories in a boiled egg but it will give you a far superior end product.

 Make sure you are fully prepared with everything you will need before starting the procedure,calories in a boiled egg and you will do well. Enjoy your hard boiled eggs after exercise for a shot of balanced protein, as an on-the-go snack or as a quick part of a home meal.

calories in a boiled egg And you can always get rid of the yolk to cut out a large part of an egg's fat and cholesterol.

A lot of people enjoy eating hard boiled eggs. They are easy to make, don't take a lot of effort and are a satisfying meal. Unfortunately hard boiled egg calories can make you fat. won't get fat if you just eat one egg once a week....but how many people do that? If you are going to make hard boiled eggs...chances are, you are making 3-4 eggs at a time. But that's not all,calories in a boiled egg you also have to take into account how you plan to eat them.

Are you going to eat a whole hard boiled egg? Well that'll be 76 calories. If you just eat the yolk...well that'll be 60 calories in caloriesinaboiledegg. Just the whites? Only 17.

Unfortunately most people don't eat just the hard boiled egg...they spice them up with mayonnaise or some other condiment to improve the "taste" and make them easier to eat calories in a boiled egg.

Unfortunately that improvement, goes directly towards making you fat.

Luckily there are a number of things you can try to get back in shape.

1- You can try a crash diet calories in a boiled egg that might help you lose a few pounds. Unfortunately these tend to be very unhealthy.Calories in a boiled egg so only try these if you don't mind getting gallstones or losing your hair. (hint: you shouldn't try them)

2- You can exercise to stay in shape. Run 3-4 miles every day, and you can eat as many eggs as you want. You can also rollerblade,calories in a boiled egg ride a bike or just plain eat less on the days you eat eggs.

There is also a third option.

You can try a custom weight loss plan. You can safely lose 10% of your weight every month if you follow a custom weight loss plan and avoid calories in a boiled egg.

These plans are designed specifically for your height and weight and are optimized to get you the best possible results, in the shortest time possible.

Calories in a boiled egg So why are these custom weight loss plans so effective? Simple...everyone is different, someone who is 235lbs is going to have different needs than someone who is 165lbs. With a custom plan, you don't waste any of your effort doing things that just plain won't work for you.

 With a custom plan,calories in a boiled egg 100% of your effort is optimized specifically for your height and weight.

Eggs are one of nature's finest and most edible form of protein which helps to control appetite. With only about 70 calories per egg,calories in a boiled egg they can easily satisfy those seeking a low-calorie diet. Eggs are low in fat and high in essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients which support healthy eyesight and strong muscles.

 Versatile,calories in a boiled egg simple preparations abound for this nutrition powerhouse with hard boiled eggs being one of the fastest and easiest.

It's really very simple to make the perfect hard boiled eggs. Just don't overthink it and follow these simple instructions.calories in a boiled egg Where most people go wrong is they overcook their eggs which causes the yolks to turn green and the eggs to lose their flavor.

First, start with eggs with no visible cracks in their shells. Don't use farm-fresh eggs either as calories in a boiled egg they will be very difficult to peel.

 If your eggs are fresh,calories in a boiled egg let them sit in the refrigerator for at least a week before you cook them. A pinch of salt added to the water can make them easier to peel. Refrigerated boiled eggs, kept in the shell, can be kept for up to 1 week.

Boiling Water Method

Place eggs in bowl of warm water to prevent shells from cracking when immersed in boiling water. Alternatively,calories in a boiled egg start with room temperature eggs.

 Fill saucepan with enough water to come at least 1 inch above eggs. Heat water to boiling. Transfer eggs from warm water to boiling water in a single layer with slotted spoon. Reduce calories in a boiled egg heat to just below a simmer. Never boil them as that makes them rubbery.

calories in a boiled egg Cook uncovered for 20 minutes. Drain hot water from pan and immediately cover eggs in cold water to prevent further cooking.

Tap eggs to crackle shells. Roll eggs between hands to loosen shells then gently peel the eggs. Hold eggs under running cold water to help ease the shells off.

Cold Water Method calories in a boiled egg

Place eggs in saucepan in a single layer. Add enough cold water to come at least 1 inch above eggs.

Heat water rapidly to boiling. Shut off the burner and leave the pan on the stove. Cover the pan and let stand 22 to 24 minutes.Calories in a boiled egg Remove eggs from the pan with a slotted spoon and immediately cool eggs in cold water to prevent further cooking.

Tap eggs to crackle shell. Roll eggs between hands to loosen shell,calories in a boiled egg then gently peel the eggs. Hold eggs under running cold water to help ease off shells.


My favorite way to eat hard boiled eggs is to mash them with a fork as soon as they are cooled enough to handle. Put a dab of butter on them with a little salt and pepper to taste.calories in a boiled egg Serve with a slice of whole wheat toast and a small glass of orange juice for a satisfying and balanced breakfast.

 Alternatively, you can just eat them whole with a little salt and pepper on them once they have been chilled. now know about calories in a boiled egg

for more see Boiled Egg Calories and Nutrition Facts and The Benefits of Egg White Nutrition

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